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Leave a gift in your Will

March 1st–31st is Free Wills Month. Here at Guy’s & St Thomas’ Charity, we offer free Will writing services all year round. By leaving a gift in your Will for Guy's and St Thomas' Charity, you can help support exceptional care.

Do something incredible today that will ensure care never stands still.

Leaving a gift in your Will can help improve wellbeing of staff, patients, and families long into the future. Gifts of all sizes are cherished and will enable us to go beyond what the NHS can provide for generations to come. From shaping innovative approaches, supporting the development of new treatments and transforming people’s experience of care, we’re the charity that supports the exceptional team at Guy’s and St Thomas’.

Doing a blood pressure test at Guy

Supporting exceptional care and incredible staff

Leaving a gift in your Will is an inspiring way to say thank you, to give back and to further your commitment. With a gift in your Will, you ensure support for future generations of our amazing staff. We can continue to go beyond what the NHS can provide, developing new treatments, shaping innovative approaches and meeting challenges with solutions. Together, we share the drive and commitment to be exceptional for the patients and communities of Guy’s and St Thomas’.

“I was wondering what I could do to raise money, when suddenly I realised it was time to update my Will. All the staff are ever so caring. So this is my way of giving back.”

Peter, who is leaving his entire estate to Guy’s and St Thomas’ to say thank you for 15 years of care

A gift in your Will can ensure care never stands still

Learn how you can support the exceptional team at Guy’s and St Thomas’ to deliver better treatment for generations to come.

If you are a Solicitor or Executor

Please feel free to contact our team at: or call us on 0208 106 5433.

You can also contact us by post at: Gifts in Wills team, The Grain House, 46 Loman Street, SE1 0EH.

Our team are here to help

Whether you are adding us to your Will, if we are due to receive a gift from an estate you are administering, or if you have any additional questions – our team are with you every step of the way.